※You will receive the meeting link after you register

* are required.
* First name(s)
* Last name
* Email address
* Your country / region
* Please choose your affiliation
If you chose " Others " above, please specify below.
Your position and affiliation in detail (e.g. company / university / institution / department name)
* How did you get to know this event?
If you chose "Others" above, please specify how you got to know this event.
* Are you interested in revisiting Japan?
* Please choose one that applies to you.
If you chose "Others" above, please specify below.
If you have any questions for the speakers in this event, please write them here.

* Personal information submitted through this form will not be used for any other purpose than registering for this event, aggregation /analysis of participant information, contact in an emergency, and sending of information when a related event is held. Please refer to the following URL regarding JST's privacy policy. [https://www.jst.go.jp/EN/privacy.html] If you consent to your personal information being handled in the described manner, please check the box below.

* I hereby confirm that I will attend SSC Japan online alumni meeting of August 3, 2024. I give consent to JST to use my video-recorded or photographed images from the online event for public relations and outreach purposes, under the conditions stated below:

Conditions and scope of usage of my images, etc. under which I give my consent:

1 Photos, including the still image of the video

1.1 Publishing/displaying my photos to be used/displayed on the SSC official website, SSC official SNS, SSC brochure, and any other media of communication that the JST is responsible for as well as by any person/organization authorized by JST to do so.

1.2 Using my photos in the various materials produced by JST or by any person/organization authorized to do so by JST in any of the media mentioned above in 1.1.

2 Consent for the recorded video (including edited and partially deleted video) to be used for public relations activities

2.1 Consent for the posting of the recorded video with my image on SSC official SNS/YouTube, and also on SSC alumni association website in each of the country’s SNS/YouTube.

NOTE: Your personal information will be handled accordingly by JST and will not be used for any purpose other than those stated above.