In case of an emergency, like fire, illness or a crime, you should telephone to the Fire Station or the Police Station. The fire department and the police station receive calls 24 hours.
- When calling a fire truck and an ambulance for a traffic accident, a fire, or a sudden illness
call 119 - When notifying the police of a crime, a traffic accident etc.
call 110
Remember to first make sure that you are safe and then call
How to call
- From the telephone of your house, dial 119 or 110 directly. When you dial 119 or 110 from a public telephone, first push the red button for emergency, and then dial. You can dial for free from public telephone; there is no need to insert money or card.
- If using a mobile phone, be sure to tell the operator, "keitai kara kakete imasu".
- Explain where the incident occurred by giving the address or the name of the place. Point out a landmark or prominent building, so that the fire truck/ambulance can arrive quickly.
When you call 119
When you have noticed a fire or sudden help is needed, please call 119 immediately. Please offer required information, if you can speak Japanese. If you can not speak Japanese and there is a Japanese person nearby, ask them to phone for you.
If you have to call yourself, speak slowly and as calmly as possible (you can print out this page and keep it by your phone).
【In the case of a Fire】
- Dispatcher:
- 「消防 119 番。 火事ですか? 救急ですか?」
- Shobo Hyaku-ju-kyu ban desu. Kaji desu ka? Kyukyu desu ka?
- Fire Department 119. Fire or Ambulance?
- Caller:
- 「火事 です」(火事)
- Kaji desu (Kaji)
- It is a fire (Fire)
- Dispatcher:
- 「何町、何丁目、何番地ですか?」
- Nani-machi, Nan-chome, Nan-banchi, desu ka?
- What Town, Section[Chome], and Street Number?
- Caller:
- - Tell Your Town, Section[Chome], and Street Number -
- (it is good to have your address written down here)
- Dispatcher:
- 「近くに 目標は ありますか?」
- Chikaku ni mokuhyo wa arimasu ka?
- Is there a well-known landmark nearby?
- Caller:
- 「 △ △ △ の 近くです」
- △ △ △ no chikaku desu
- It is near the △ △ △
- Dispatcher:
- 「何が 燃えていますか?」
- Nani ga moete imasu ka?
- What is burning?
- Caller:
- 「□ □ □ が 燃えています」
- □ □ □ ga moete imasu
- □ □ □ is burning
- Dispatcher:
- 「名前 と 電話番号は?」
- Namae to Denwa-bango wa?
- What is your name and the number of the telephone you are using now?
- Caller:
- - Tell your name and the number of the telephone you are using now -
- 「名前は......です」
- Namae wa ...... desu
- My name is ......
- 「電話番号は......です」
- Denwa-bango wa ...... desu
- My telephone is ......
When you hear or see the fire engine, go out and direct it to the location of the fire
【When you need an ambulance】
- Dispatcher:
- 「消防 119 番。 火事ですか? 救急ですか?」
- Shobo Hyaku-ju-kyu ban desu. Kaji desu ka? Kyukyu desu ka?
- Fire Department 119. Fire or Ambulance?
- Caller:
- 「救急 です」(救急)
- Kyukyu desu (Kyukyu)
- Please call an Ambulance (Ambulance)
- Dispatcher:
- 「何町、何丁目、何番地ですか?」
- Nani-machi, Nan-chome, Nan-banchi, desu ka?
- What Town, Section[Chome], and Street Number?
- Caller:
- - Tell Your Town, Section[Chome], and Street Number -
- (Your address)
- Dispatcher:
- 「近くに 目標は ありますか?」
- Chikaku ni mokuhyo wa arimasu ka?
- Is there a well-known landmark nearby?
- Caller:
- 「 △ △ △ の 近くです」
- △ △ △ no chikaku desu
- It is near the △ △ △
- Dispatcher:
- 「どうしましたか?」
- Doh shimashita ka?
- What is the nature of injury or sickness?
- Caller:
- (Example A)
- 「怪我を しました」
- Kega wo shimashita
- I have injured myself / Someone is injured
- (Example B )
- 「病気です」
- Byoki desu
- I am sick / Someone is sick
- Dispatcher:
- 「名前 と 電話番号は?」
- Namae to Denwa-bango wa?
- What is your name and the number of the telephone you are using now?
- Caller:
- - Tell your name and the number of the telephone you are using now -
- 「名前は......です」
- Namae wa ...... desu
- My name is ......
- 「電話番号は......です」
- Denwa-bango wa ...... desu
- My telephone is ......
If possible, when you hear or see the ambulance, have someone go out and meet it.
When you call 110
If you have to call the police, there are limits to what you can explain over the phone , especially if your Japanese isn't that good. Keep it short and simple and leave the explaining to later.
【When you need the police】
- Dispatcher:
- 「どうしましたか?」
- Doh shimashita ka?
- What happened?
- Caller:
- 例)「交通事故です」
- (Examples)
- Kohtsu jiko desu
- It is a traffic accident
- Dispatcher:
- 「何時 ですか?」
- Itsu desu ka?
- When?
- Caller:
- 例)「今」
- (Examples)
- Ima
- Now
- Dispatcher:
- 「何処 ですか?」
- Doko desu ka?
- Where?
- Caller:
- 「 △ △ △ の 近くです」
- △ △ △ no chikaku desu
- It is near the △ △ △
- Try to point out a landmark or prominent building nearby.
【In case of a crime or other emergency】

- Dispatcher:
- 「どうしましたか?」
- Doh shimashita ka?
- What happened?
- Caller:
- 「助けてください」
- (Examples)
- Tasukete kudasai
- Please help me.
- 「どろぼうです」
- Dorobo desu
- There is a thief. / There has been a burgulary.